What is this Masterclass ?

The Masterclass "Launch and Facilitate learning communities in your organization" offers you the skills necessary for the success of learning communities in companies: knowing how to design them, promote them, fill them, facilitate them and direct them. The Mastermind Business Academy relies on its 15 years of experience in facilitation and its position as a precursor of Mastermind groups in France to share with you the best practices that will save you time in your launch and create the conditions for success. of your learning communities.


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Module 1

tewfik elorch

module très précis quant aux informations transmises. Court, Concis avec des schémas simples, moyens mnémotechniques.

module très précis quant aux informations transmises. Court, Concis avec des schémas simples, moyens mnémotechniques.

Moins d'infos
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Le modèle du mastermind

Nadine Franvil

Why a Masterclass on Learning Communities ?

Learning Communities respond to 3 major challenges for companies: the imperative of developing employees to adapt to the challenges they encounter, the importance of building knowledge that comes from the field and which is transformed into good practices for better performance and quality of life at work, the need for organizations to provide new concrete forms of support to all of their employees over the long term.

Who is this Masterclass made for ?


    who are looking for professional tools for their own learning community


    Who want to help their clients set up learning communities within their organization.

  • HR

    Who want to discover learning communities before setting up this system in their organization.


    1. Welcome Video (5 minutes)

    2. Welcome

    3. Masterclass Ground Rules

    4. Our Learning Journey together

    5. Prepare your Learning Experience

    1. Download your guide "Launch & Facilitate your Learning Communities in your organization" - V3

    2. What is your learning style ?

    1. MODULE 1 - Introduction (Video - 1'23)

    2. Overview of Learning Communities

    3. Overview of Learning Communities

    4. Introduction

    5. What is a Learning Organization ?

    6. What are the benefits of a Learning Organization ?

    7. What is the cycle of learning in a Learning Organization ?

    8. How to measure the Level of Learning in your organization (1) ?

    9. How to measure the Level of Learning in your organization (2) ?

    10. What is at stake in the Knowledge Economy ?

    11. How skills are really learned ?

    12. Quote on skill building

    13. When to call upon Learning Communities in organisations ?

    14. What is a Learning Community ?

    15. What is the Mastermind Business Academy definition of a Learning Community ?

    16. What is the added value of a Learning Community ?

    17. What are the characteristic of a Learning Community ?

    18. What are the 3 different levels of Learning Communities ?

    19. What are the fundamentals of Learning Communities (1) ?

    1. MODULE 2 - Introduction (Video - 1'00)

    2. Module 2 Goals

    3. Examples of Learning Communities

    4. What is the 4P's Model to design your Learning Communities ?

    5. The 4P's : Participants

    6. The 4P's : Promise

    7. The 4P's : Process

    8. The 4P's : Partners

    9. The 4P's : Partners

    10. The role of the Partners

    11. What are the 4 key success factors for a community ?

    12. Your turn : Pitch your Learning Community

    1. MODULE 3 - Introduction (Video - 1'33')

    2. How to establish the Group Etiquette ?

    3. How to have the reel expectations expressed for the Hot Seat ?

    4. What are the Roles and Responsibilities ?

    5. How to facilitate the First Session ?

    6. How to facilitate the Hot Seats ?

    7. Onboarding new members

    8. How to conclude a session ?

    9. How to run a co-mentoring session ?

    10. How Learning Communities share back to the organization ?

    1. Conclusion : See you next month (video)

    2. Post-Masterclass assessment

    3. Measure the journey accomplished !

About this course

  • Gratuit
  • 51 leçons
  • 0 heures de contenu vidéo

They are talking about it

“J'encourage toutes les personnes à rejoindre ces modules. C'est ce qui se fait de mieux actuellement en France. Donc c'est une réelle chance. L'apport des documents est un bénéfice et un beau cadeau. MERCI à Jean-François pour cette belle générosité. ”

Laurent GIRARD, formateur-consultant

“Merci 🙏🏼 pour l’investissement que tu as fait pour obtenir ce résultat et nous offrir des supports de ce niveau de qualité autant en terme de contenu que de contenant. C’est beau et super riche”

Benoit THIERRY, Co-fondateur de la Learship School of Paris

“Mastermind Business Academy représente une formidable opportunité d'impulsion professionnelle au service de l'humain.”

Vincent Vinckier, auteur de "A son écoute"

“Le professionnalisme et l importance de l'intelligence collective dans le développement des mastermind .”

Anne Marie Floch

Your Learning Community expert : Jean François THIRIET

Jean François (En) Thiriet

Hello, My name is Jean François THIRIET and I welcome you to this Masterclass "Launching and facilitating learning communities in your organization". For 17 years now I have been working in organizations with the tools of training, coaching and facilitation. And for 17 years, I have always been amazed to hear my training participants share together solutions at a level that others were still looking for and were very happy to discover. How much time to save! and how much, when this knowledge came from a colleague, it became more applicable since it came from the field in accordance with the corporate culture! So, I said to myself "What if it also became a way of developing skills?" and I discovered that I was not the only one. This is why in this Masterclass, you will find the fruit of my reflection and my own experience to launch your own learning communities yourself in your organization.